
Emgen allows you to easily generate emails from Vue 3 templates.

View the Project on GitHub jonataw/emgen


Below are the possible configuration options that can be passed to createEmgen.

dir: Sets the path to where your includes, styles and templates are stored.

input.includes.dir: Override path to input includes directory.

input.styles.dir: Override path to input styles directory.

input.styles.preprocessor: Define a preprocessor for your styles. Valid options are 'sass', 'less' or 'stylus'.

input.styles.prepend: Prepend a string to all stylesheets. Can be useful to define global variables.

input.templates.dir: Override path to input templates directory.

output.dir: Override path to output directory. Your compiled templates will be written here.

output.auto: If true, automatically generates your templates and writes them to the output directory when createEmgen is called. If this options is set to false, you can use emgen.compile or emgen.compileTemplate methods to manually generate templates.

verbose: Prints additional context and information.

vue: Set to true if you would like to use Vue SFC’s instead of standard HTML.

transpile: Set to true if your Vue SFC’s use Typescript.

i18n.defaultLocale: Set the default fallback locale when using i18n. See i18n for more information.

i18n.translations: Set global translations. See i18n for more information.